public string ConvertToXML()
//output will used to store parent object's xml representation
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
//output will used to store child object's xml representation
StringBuilder refOutput = new StringBuilder();
//I am considering Object Node is Root Node..
//Getting Count of parent Objects
for (int i=0;i<=this.Count-1;i++)
//Getting Properties Info using Reflection
PropertyInfo[] objFields = this.List[i].GetType().GetProperties();
//Adding Reflected Object Type in to XML String as Parent Node of an Entity as Node Name
output.Append("<" + objFields[0].ReflectedType.Name.ToString() + ">");
//Appending Data as seprate Attribute in the node
output.Append("<" + objFields[0].ReflectedType.Name.ToString());
// Accessing each property
foreach(PropertyInfo prop in objFields)
//Checking that the current property is Readable or not
if (prop.CanRead)
//If yes then checking the return type of the property. If its Value Type or Normal String I am handling it in the ELSE part.
if ((!prop.PropertyType.IsValueType) && (prop.PropertyType !=typeof(System.String)) && (prop.PropertyType !=typeof(Framework.CError)) )
//Getting Value from Reflected Object
object oCustomObject = prop.GetValue(this[i] as object,null);
//Appending object's value into XML
if (null!=oCustomObject)
//if object type is ref. type then it will go for recursion call in the next private function.
//Getting data of property in case of value type or String
Object strObjectString = prop.GetValue(this.List[i] as object,null);
if (null!=strObjectString)
output.Append(" " + prop.Name.ToString() + "='");
output.Append(strObjectString.ToString()+ "'");
output.Append("" ? + objFields[0].ReflectedType.Name.ToString()> output = output.Replace("Key","ID");
return output.ToString();
//Created By Kaushal
private string ConvertToXML(object oUserObject)
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder refOutput = new StringBuilder();
Type objectType = oUserObject.GetType().BaseType;
int iCount = objectType==typeof(System.Object)? 1 : (oUserObject as EntityCollectionBase).Count;
output.Append(objectType==typeof(System.Object)? "<" + oUserObject.GetType().Name + ">" : "
for (int i=0;i<=iCount-1;i++)
PropertyInfo[] objFields = objectType==typeof(System.Object)? oUserObject.GetType().GetProperties() : (oUserObject as EntityCollectionBase)[i].GetType().GetProperties();
Object oTmpObject = objectType==typeof(System.Object)? oUserObject : (oUserObject as EntityCollectionBase)[i] as object;
output.Append("<" + objFields[0].ReflectedType.Name.ToString() + ">");
output.Append("<" + objFields[0].ReflectedType.Name.ToString());
foreach(PropertyInfo prop in objFields)
if (prop.CanRead)
if ((!prop.PropertyType.IsValueType) && (prop.PropertyType !=typeof(System.String)) && (prop.PropertyType !=typeof(Framework.CError)) )
object oCustomObject = prop.GetValue(oTmpObject as object,null) as object;
if (null!=oCustomObject)
//Making Nested Calls
Object strObjectString = prop.GetValue(oTmpObject,null);
if (null!=strObjectString)
output.Append(" " + prop.Name.ToString() + "='");
output.Append(strObjectString.ToString()+ "'");
output.Append("" ? + objFields[0].ReflectedType.Name.ToString()>
output = output.Replace("Key","ID");
output.Append(objectType==typeof(System.Object)? "" ? + oUserObject.GetType().Name>return output.ToString();
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